Cardcaptor Sakura Blu-ray BOX – A “new generation master” version, 4K scan of the original 35mm nega-film

I’ve started watching the new Cardcaptor Sakura Blu-ray BOX. So far I’ve made it through 14 episodes and one of the commentary tracks. Decided I’d ramble about it for a little bit…


This is the fourth Japanese Blu-ray release this TV anime has received (world record?), two time limited boxes with a brand new HD telecine on Geneon label in 2009 (Cardcaptor Sakura Blu-ray BOX Clow Card and Sakura Card compilations), three boxes from NBC Universal label in 2012 (Cardcaptor Sakura Blu-ray BOX 1/2/3), a re-packaged complete box in 2015, and a new master complete box by Warner Japan label timed for the 20th anniversary and the release of the new TV anime, Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card.


When the set was announced last year there was some confusion about what it actually was. Blu-ray? 4K UHD? The discs in this set are still your standard Blu-ray discs, but the master is new. The original 35mm negative film was scanned in 4K to deliver an enhanced version, notable differences being image color correction, smoothed color gradation, and heightened detail on line work (hair, face, eyes, etc). Authoring for the new version was done with Qtec’s FORS Master Process. You can see more about FORS here.

The images below are taken from the PHILEWEB interview with Qtec’s Kazunori Okada who worked on the remaster.

The top image is from the 2009 master. The bottom image is after the FORS processing from the 35mm film 4K scan.

Top image is 4K scan with color correction. Bottom image is after FORS processing.

The picture quality is fantastic. It’s definitely a jump from the HD telecine put to Blu-ray in 2009. There are drawbacks, notably a slight loss to film grain. I believe this is due to filtering used during the remaster process. Okada refers to this as “equivalent exchange” in the interview (lol)

Should you get it? I’d recommend it, especially if you don’t already own one of the previous Blu-ray versions. The price is great. You get the same on-disc extras as the previous releases plus four brand new commentary tracks featuring the CV actors/actresses. I’ve listened to the first one, Sakura Tange (Sakura) and Junko Iwao (Tomoyo), and it was pretty fun.

The box is still available on, currently 26% off at ¥33,711. There is also an exclusive edition that comes with an original canvas art at ¥45,360.

Viewed on a 55″ Sharp AQUOS (LC-55P7000), Seiki U-VISION (SR4KP1) 4K up-conversion through an HDMI 2.0 to 3840x2160p 30Hz